Peru Congress Votes to Legalise Online Sports Betting and igaming

The approval to legalise sports betting and online gambling in Peru, was given on the 15th July, 2022, after a congressional debate. The Congress’ approval for the new law, received 91 votes in favour, and zero opposing votes.

The new law will become the responsibility of Peru’s Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism, which will also regulate the enactment of the new law, in Peru.

It is reported that Sunat, Peru’s tax body, will be the body to administer the gaming tax, which will be set at 12% of each operator’s tax base. (Tax base is the operator’s net income minus maintenance costs) This tax will be collected on a monthly basis. Maintenance taxes will also be set at 2% of an operator’s monthly income.

The Legislation

On the promotion of responsible gambling; the new legialation stipulates that all sports betting operators, must display a warning message on all their platforms, which will read, “excessive online sports betting, can cause pathological gambling.”

The Operators with the approved licence, will be allowed to offer bonuses for online gaming, as long as the bonuses cannot be exchanged for money.

Remote sports betting rooms, where players can place bets on sports games, using betting terminals, will also be allowed.

The legislation is expected to come into force, 60 days after it is published in their official gazette; El Peruano.

Regulatory Control

If the stipulated law is broken in any way, even if it’s a minor infraction, it could result in a warning, a fine of up to SOL200 (£42.79/€50.47/$51.24, N21,500), a temporary licence disqualification, of up to 10 years or a permanent disqualification.

The regulatory body also has the power, to impose precautionary measures on an operator, which will include, temporarily closing the organization and confiscating assets.


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