India Plans Federal Regulation of Real-money Games

India Plans Federal Regulation of Real-money Games



The Indian Prime Minister, Narenda Modi’s government overruled the proposal by a government appointed panel; tasked with the drafting of a new gaming regulation.

The proposal was for a new gaming regulation, to apply only to games of skill and not games of chance, which is considered to be gambling and was banned across most of India.

The proposal will see skill games, governed by planned federal rules that call for registration requirements, KYC protocols and a grievance redress mechanism, while regulation of games of chance would then be the sole responsibility of individual state governments.

The office of the Prime Minister opposed this variation and insisted on federal oversight on all types of games, as there will definitely be mixed interpretations, and general confusion in distinguishing between what constitutes games of skill and that of chance.

Following the PM’s over-ruling of the proposal, the Indian government’s regulation of online gaming, will now apply to all real-money games, and not just game of skills.

The primary purpose of the federal review of the gaming regulation, is the alleviation of continued concerns about potential addiction to gaming platforms.

Source: globalgamblingnews


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