Good Causes: UK National Lottery Raises £1.3b in 3 Quarters


The UK National lottery has raised approximately £1.347.6b for good causes, in the first three quarters of 2021/22 financial year, according to the figures released by the British Gambling Commission. £420.7m was raised in the first quarter; £418.4m was raised in the 2nd quarter while a higher figure of 508.5m was raised in the 3rd quarter. According to the Gambling Commission, the increase was partly due to a rise in ticket sales in the 3rd quarter.

The UK National Lottery has raised more than £45b for good causes since its launch in November, 1994. The funds generated for good causes are held in the National Lottery Distribution Fund (NLDF) while the Commission itself ensures that payments from Camelot UK Lotteries, who has been the National Lottery operator since inception, are precise and on time.

These funds raised for good causes have been used for projects in sports, arts and heritage, education, health and the environment.

National Lottery ticket sales have been reported to have reached £3.96bn in the first half of 2021/22 financial year under Camelot UK Lotteries, which is the highest recorded since the launch of the National Lottery. Camelot’s license is due to expire in February, 2024.


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